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宮塚春美(みやつか はるみ)/ MIYATSUKA HARUMI


武蔵野美術大学造形学部卒業後、同大助手の後、Palos Verdes Art Center アメリカにて彫刻を学ぶ。





ギャラリー檜(東京)/ Galleryそら(鳥取)/ ギャラリー上田 / すどう美術館(小田原)/ ギャラリーgrid(鳥取)/ ギャラリーGALA (東京)/ Gendai Heights Den (東京)/ 由布院アートホール(大分)



桃花潭(中国)/ ブルダ(スロベニア)/ 張家界(中国)/ メダナ(スロベニア)/ 星野リゾート 界仙石原(箱根)

Harumi Miyatsuka was born in Tokyo, Japan.
She cherishes the memories of going on adventures as a child in her mother's garden.
​While exploring the wonders around her, she learned to take notice of the beauty of nature and appreciate each moment.
She graduated from Musashino Art University in Tokyo, Japan, majoring in oil painting. Following graduation, she worked as an Assistant Professor, and mostly painted the human figure.
Then, she moved to Los Angeles, CA, USA, and experienced modern American art first-hand.
She explored new mediums through sculpture for 3 years at the Palos Verdes Art Center. Her works are mostly oil paintings and have evolved to express a variety of emotional moments.
She was selected to be among the 400 Japanese artists featured in the 400th memorial issue of Art magazine.
She had the honor of participating as an artist in residence at mmm art in Medana, Slovenia, in China, and exhibitions across
Europe and Asia.
She is a member of the UNESCO International
Association of Art.
Recently, she has been examining the arrival of a "moment," the
encounter with a feeling in time before it has fully developed.
Life is a journey through these moments.

theme - arrive in the moment

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